Hear from our crafters
ShermineI live with my aged grandmother and aunt. Crafting brings me happieness especially when I assemble and write positive words for the craft. It has also helped me achieved mental wellness and recovery. I hope crafting can help me integrate back into society and others can see me beyond my disabilities.
Her signature - Calligraphy
Granny HuangI am 80 and lives independently in a rental flat. Crafting with Social Gifting helps me to nurture a strong sense of perseverance. When I face challenges in crafting, I learn to maintain my motivation to learn. I look forward to every session and enjoy interacting with volunteers."
Her signature - Calligraphy
Granny ZhangI am 90 and lives alone in a rental flat. I find joy in being a crafter and is thankful that crafting has widened my horizons and taught me new skills to stay independent. I am eager to take up any new craft activities and meet new friends through crafting.
Her signature - Quilt blanket
GrannySKI am 86 years old and lives alone in a rental flat. I volunteer to promote gifts at pop-up booths. Being able to volunteer empowers me to be a Giver instead of a recipient. Also, crafting has allowed me to exercise my creativity and make me feel young!"
Her signature - Sewing key pouches
Mdm WongI'm 76 years old and live with my husband in a rental flat. I volunteer to lead the crochet interest group and it gives me a sense of fulfilment when my ‘students’ master the skills. Crafting has brought me happiness, especially when others appreciate the gifts I made with my heart and soul. "
Her signature - Crochet
Aunty BettyI'm 71 years, a pioneer crafter and craft instructor at Social Gifting. I go to individual crafters' homes to teach others how to craft. I am passionate to nurture women to be craftrepreneurs. Through crafting and volunteering, I found a new lease of life, reignited passion, love for the community, and a sense of purpose."
Her signature - Crochet & Sewing
Nenek ImahI'm 70+ years old and live alone in a rental flat. When I am alone, I think of my late husband and worry about my mother who is in the nursing home. I am so happy that I can put my sewing talents to good use. I get to earn passive income and sewing help me get over the Covid-19 pandemic and emotional hurdles by keeping me engaged."
Her signature - Upcycling pouches
Aunty Susan & uncle TeoAunty Susan was called home to the lord after a long battle against lung cancer. Crafting has empowered her to relive a fulfilling lifestyle and distracted her from the side effects. It has also helped her to bond with her husband. Uncle Teo will continue her work and legacy in her memory.
Their signature - Scented Wood wick candles
Residents @ Bishan HomeThe crafting sessions have helped the residents stay engaged and strengthen their fine motor skills. The residents are always looking forward to the next crafting session as it is a new and energising experience. Most importantly, it has helped residents gain greater confidence and increase their self-esteem, even reducing behavioural issues in some residents." - Miki (Head Trainer)
Their signature - Packing cutlery sets